EditorFeb 19, 2012 08:21 PM
YES. I did something about it. I begged her to report him. Ultimately it was HER decision how she wanted to handle it. Judging by your insensitive, disbelieving and disrespectful response, it is EXACTLY the reason the majority of these crimes go unreported. I assume you are a teammate of Nicastro? Your stupid response says it ALL.
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EditorFeb 19, 2012 08:21 PM
I hear some BC fans sent a BC girl over to T's Pub and she led Max on at the bar and roofied his beer and then took him back to his room where screamed rape to frame him.
This is BC's fault!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing to see here folks! -
EditorFeb 19, 2012 08:22 PM
Did she fear any sort of backlash if she were to report this? From either hockey players or other BU students?
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EditorFeb 19, 2012 08:22 PM
Why was it her decision on how to handle it? If you believe that your daughter was SEXUALLY ASSAULTED then isn't it your responsibility as a parent to affect some kind of justice? There are plenty of factors as to why a victim may not want to report her attacker but that doesn't make any of them right. A crime is a crime.
There I go again, talking like what you said is true. Like I said in my first comment, this is a terrible situation that is leaps and bounds beyond the GAME of hockey. Unfortunately, this is something that the BC trolls in these comments can't understand. -
EditorFeb 19, 2012 08:23 PM
this program is about to take a plummet that it might never recover from. my sympathies to the victim
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AnonymousFeb 19, 2012 08:30 PM
In case anyone is confused on all these comments issues, let me sum it up.
Several people had stories about BU hockey players being scumbags, Nicastro apparently also involved in a past story.
BU apologists showed up and determined that they were all created by BC trolls, as obviously these stories could NEVER be true.
So if you post anything about BU that is not complimentary in every way, you will be labeled a BC troll or perhaps even a bad parent for letting your adult daughter determine whether to press charges or not.
Glad I could clear that up for everyone. -
AnonymousFeb 19, 2012 08:36 PM
I am getting tired of hearing about incidents like this regarding the Men's Hockey team. Something needs to be done. Why isn't this happening at other schools? Obviously the players think that they have greater liberties than the rest of the population. The coaching staff and recruiters need to be held accountable. Don't be surprised if you start to see some push back from the fans. With ticket prices being way to high the arena is already not filling up. This will hurt down the road with donors holding back and recruits choosing to go to other schools. MAKE CHANGES NOW !
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AnonymousFeb 19, 2012 09:43 PM
I think everyone is missing the fu%&ing point here: There is a girl who is probably traumatized and in severe emotional distress, because a guy thought it was within his rights to violate her sexually. It doesn't matter what she was wearing, what the culture is like surrounding the BU hockey team, if Nicastro was intoxicated or not, if Jack Parker is somehow responsible for the actions of his players--the bottom line is, this girl's personal rights were violated and Max Nicastro needs to be held accountable for what he 'may or may not have' done. And for anyone saying that he is the 'victim' in this situation, because of the pervasive idolatrous culture surrounding the BU hockey team--you are just as much of a pig as Nicastro is.
And if there are any girls who have been sexually violated by any of the other players on this team, I hope they speak up, because this is absolutely disgraceful. I'll be damned if I will sit in Agganis and cheer for a bunch of misogynist pigs who think they can get away with similar behavior.
AnonymousFeb 20, 2012 07:29 AM
Whoever is suggesting that the girl who was assaulted is "lying" or a "BC troll" is obviously not a woman, and definitely not a female student at BU. Girls who are RAPED are often afraid to speak up for fear of repercussions...the daughter of the parent who claims she was assaulted by Nicastro probably didn't want to "deal" with the social fall-out of reporting someone as high-profile as a hockey player. It's sad, but I understand the daughter's view. I was a student at BU, I'm a girl, and I would NOT want to report something like that if it happened to me. Easier to steer clear of those guys than deal with idiots who will sympathize with the hockey player because of his status as an athlete.
That's just the way it is. PERIOD. Sad, but true.
Whatever happened to this girl in this case must have been BAD for her report it, because trust me, her life will be HELL socially after this.
AnonymousFeb 20, 2012 10:56 AM
The cancer starts at the top. Cut off its head and kill the cancer before it destroys the school.
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AnonymousFeb 20, 2012 01:06 PM
I know its different from state to state, but for Mass is there any differentiation between "sexual assault" vs. "rape"? Just curious..
AnonymousFeb 20, 2012 05:09 PM
Obviously, my thoughts are with the alleged victim, but did find it amusing that the story immediately before this one on the blog is entitled, "Missed scoring opportunities doom Terriers".
Last one out turn out the lights
ReplyDeleteThis can't be happening! Are we intentionally trying to unravel this program? Holy Crap!!!
ReplyDeleteNot sure how many of the hockey players read this blog, but if any of them do, here's a bit of information for you...YOU ARE NOT GODS. Just because you have a little bit of talent and play for a talented college level hockey organization does not give you the right to act like assholes, get drunk, disrupt the living quarters of the people around you, and most of all assault women. The majority of you will sadly go nowhere with your hockey careers after college, and it would be smart of you to make the most of your years at BU and work your asses off to get your degrees at the same time so you have something to fall back on when you fail in the AHL. I feel bad for the young men on the team who are decent guys who do genuinely work hard to make a name for themselves and make their fans and coaches proud. I am a huge fan of this team, season-ticket holder, and BU alumni, but a few of these guys make me ashamed to admit it. Grow the hell up.
ReplyDeleteI, also, am a long time BU fan. (From '65 on). BU Hockey is number one to me. When I read these stories I get quite upset. The amount of money it takes to go to college today and the debt it puts on the graduate is a very large number. These hockey players like Nicastro get a free education and throw it away. The above alum tell it right when he says that the majority of them will play in the AHL for a few years then be out of work before they are 30. We should recruit kids who want an education and first class hockey training FOR FREE. There are plenty of players who want this who have a high skill level. All will not be great students but it must be shown to them that, work hard in school, and this training will pay off in the future. Recruiting should include examples of grads who have used BU to be great hockey players and great men in later professions. I know several of them myself. If this were done there would be very few problems.
DeleteRecruits players of poor character or with one eye looking at the NHL, while BC recruits solid citizens, four-year players who want to be there. 2 sexual assaults in one-year, the drinking incidents, flunkouts, and Joke Parker eff youing a ref on a national television (and having to issue an apology for it). Parker must go. What is Brown doing? It's time. He should have rode off into the sunset after the 2009 national championship. He is now running BU down the toilet. Time to go. Brown, do the right thing and fire him.
ReplyDeleteRight ... BC definitely recruits solid citizens. Just look at the atkinson brothers who beat someone up during a road rage incident in their hometown. And what about those 4 bc players who were drinking and crashed their car on comm ave. Plus they were under 21. If anything, Parker should get coach of the year for dealing with all this crap and having his team ranked high.
DeleteTake your opinion back to the Heights and the discuss the situation with Bernard Cardinal Law, an expert on dealing with sexual assaults.
DeleteYou moron, the BC players weren't driving the car.
DeleteWhy is he still on the team? Is Parker keeping him because he desperatly needs him?
ReplyDeleteBoot him now!!!!!!!!!
Suspended indefinitely. innocent until proven guilty.
DeleteWhat more do you want?
This team is totally out of control. I graduated from BU a few years ago and dated a hockey player while I was there, and sadly, this story doesn't surprise me. While the majority of the players are great guys, when things like this happen, you realize how little leadership and control there is of what are essentially a group of kids who, with the attention and privileges lavished on them, quickly develop HUGE egos. They are lauded constantly by their coaches, parents, peers, and worst of all, girls, for their athletic achievements, and no one is stepping in to spend time developing their character or teach them right from wrong. Does it really surprise anyone this kind of thing happens?
ReplyDeleteHere's the bottom line: anyone who spends time hanging out at bars, parties, etc. with hockey players is aware that "sexual harassment"-like behavior is pretty commonplace. Because these guys are "hockey gods" and literally have girls BEGGING for their attention, they get away with a WHOLE LOT--nine out of ten times it doesn't go beyond inappropriately speaking to girls ("Nice ass, babe," "I would bury my face in those tits," etc...not kidding...) but sometimes it DOES cross over it what can be construed as physically-threatening behavior--shoving hands down girls pants/up their skirts, smacking butts, grabbing boobs...
The problem is, this happens ALL THE TIME--like, every weekend! These guys have no clue what they are doing could be considered a crime because they are so used to constantly getting away with it. Now, I'm by no means heaping the blame on the girls, but their worship of these guys does not help.
Obviously we don't know the whole story of what happened with Max yet, but my guess is he picked the wrong girl to mess with and she reported him. Sadly, I think more than one guy on this current team could be rotting in jail for a similar reason. Max just got unlucky. Why would he assume that what he was doing would get him in trouble? I bet he's gotten away with it a hundred other times, and I actually feel bad that his coaches obviously were too naive and/or concerned with winning to devote some resources to CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, EXPECTATION-SETTING, and BOUNDARY-ESTABLISHMENT.
What needs to happen is for Jack Parker to step down ASAP. Someone a lot more "with it" needs to get in there and teach these guys that their behavior off the ice is as important, if not more important, than their behavior on the ice. Let's face it--Parker is an old guy from another time. What it meant to be a hockey player when he played is totally different from what it means now. The girls who hang out at T's and let these guys grope them and speak disrespectfully to them see the players as sexy, athletic gods who could go on to make millions in the NHL. They wear tight dresses and heels to what is essentially a dive bar, hoping to get a player's attention. These guys don't have to work to impress a girl--the girls come to them, and the guys treat them (for the most part) as privileged to be in their presence! They pay attention to them if they feel like it and ignore them if they'd rather take a shot with the boys. They'll dance with them, make out with them, and assume they'll go back to their dorms and get a blow job or sex out of the evening. That's just the way it is, and I have a hard time believing Jack Parker has any concept of this reality.
Please, for the sake of this team and this school and the hockey players themselves, all of whom are without a doubt talented--get rid of Jack Parker and hire someone who will acknowledge the current social culture surrounding these players. The guy is totally in the dark, and this program is going to crumble if something major doesn't change.
Parker Must Go!!
ReplyDeletethis program is about to take a plummet that it might never recover from. my sympathies to the victim
ReplyDeleteWhy were all these comments removed? What a joke!
ReplyDeleteWe accidentally pressed a wrong button when moderating comments. We're trying to figure out how to restore the comments.
DeleteAccidentally deleted! Yeah, right.
DeleteFix the deleted comments yet?